Please find below two ring tones that have been made avialable. These are displayed in keypress form.. so you can enter the following, without trying to make out the beats etc.

Available on Nokia: 3210, 33xx, 61xx, 6210, 7110, 82xx, 8850, 9110

 Created By  Listen  Keypresses  Tempo
 Xenrielle Test 388, 499, 19*#, 0888, 48**, 19*, 0888, 6**#, 0888, 68, 688#, 699, 49, 3888, 499, 19*#, 0888, 48**, 19*, 0888, 2#, 288, 2#, 49 180
 Todd Shattock
 - Labsonics
Test 288#, 49, 19*#, 48**, 19*, 0888, 6**#, 68, 68#, 6, 499, 48, 19*#, 48**, 19*, 0888, 2#, 288, 1, 499, 08, 288**, 2#, 299, 288#, 2, 299#, 288#, 2, 19, 49, 08, 588, 5#, 599, 58#, 69#, 588#, 5, 499, 18#, 1, 499 70

PLEASE NOTE: These ringtones are for personal use only!
and remain copyrighted to 'Stingers'

Click here to download

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